About Salasar Nursing Home
We Care About Your Health
Salasar Nursing Home was setup in the year 1998 at B/Ground Floor, Salasar Classic, Near Nagar Bhavan Hall, Fatak Road, Bhayandar (West), Mira-Bhayandar, Dist. Thane-401101, Maharashtra, India by Dr. Niranjan Agarwal and his wife Dr. Shilpa Agarwal. It is a Surgical, Laparoscopy & Endoscopy Center. It is very well connected by various modes of public transports. It is very closed to the Nagar Bhavan Hall, Mandli Talao, State Bank of India, Police Station and Maxus Mall, Bhayandar.
In the last Century, even towards the late nineties, Bhayandar not only lacked in good medical infrastructure but also a reliable trust worthy opinions in majority of the medical specialties. This compelled the patients to travel out of the town for even the minor operations.
This lack of trust from patients adversely affected the nursing homes which neither upgraded their infrastructure nor did the consultants joined new courses and training programs to improve upon their skills and competency. The same were not considered essential and cost effective measures those days. Influenced by this Dr Niranjan Agarwal took upon himself to setup a well equipped, standardized nursing home to make surgery safer for his patient and at the same time he also joined the Bombay Hospital , Mumbai to keep himself updated with the latest technologies and developments in medicine.
This did result in him missing a few patients because of his unavailability here but this cost did not deter him from his determination to absorb the best practices at Bombay Hospital which would be ultimately replicated at Bhayandar. In his absence his patients are well attended by his Anesthetist wife Dr. Shilpa Agarwal who has effectively managed them in the post operative period.
The collective hard work and sacrifices put in by the couple has ensured a reputation of the most reliable, competent and affordable surgical care in this area. Dr. Niranjan Agarwal still continues to visit Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, as a consultant surgeon and this has provided the local patients with an opinion of a tertiary care consultant at their door step at most reasonable rates. His contacts at Bombay Hospital across various specialty colleagues are well utilized for the patients of his home town for diseases other than surgical too.

The lust for newer knowledge and the urge to replicate the high standard practices of Bombay Hospital at his nursing home has slowly and steadily led to the growth of Salasar Nursing Home, not only from the bed strength point of view but also the additions of various newer technologies and equipment to the armaterium of the facilities available. We can now boast of fully equipped operation theater with the latest multipara monitors including capnometers, defibrillators, solid state electro-cautery, anesthesia machines and a fully equipped therapeutic laparoscopic set along with the other routine equipments such as hydraulic table, suctions etc.
We also have added a Video Endoscope (both OGD and Colonoscope) for diagnostic as well as therapeutic utility.
The Nursing Home is a 15 bedded structure divided into General Ward, Semi-Private Ward, Private Room and Deluxe Room. There are provision of 7 toilets and a pantry too. Ample of parking space is available in the society premises.
Its location on the ground floor gives it an added advantage for the sick and the injured patients. It has a well equipped operation theater with the latest gadgets and 2 consultations rooms with specious reception area and a separate nurse’s station.
It is dully registered with the Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) and possesses all required licenses such as Bio-Medical waste disposal, fire safety, spirit, shop and establishment etc.
The doctors appointed are qualified specialists and super specialists, dully registered with the Maharashtra medical council. It is round the clock supervised by doctors, nursing staff and other paramedics. The nursing home is also accreditated with the FEQH / AMC Accreditations so as to ensure standard, safe medical and surgical care.
The protocol setup for the infection control, laboratory monitoring, purchase and administration of drugs are strictly adhered too. The setup is backed by inverter as well as generator back up. We have tied up with Dr. Nitin Kudalkar’s Sai Pathology Laboratory, an ISO Certified Laboratory which processes all our pathology samples including Histopathology. The high end investigations such as hormonal profiles and tumor marker etc. are processed by Aarti Lab, Santacruz recently been managed by SRL Diagnostic.
In spite of all the above facilities, we do not hesitate to recommend a patient to a higher multispecialty setup, if we feel that he/she needs and would benefit by the same. These decisions are taken as early as the preoperative evaluation stage itself in the best interest of the patient.